



雅各布斯全球水市场总监, 苏珊·莫伊西奥领导着我们超过9人的团队,000个梦想家和实干家发展创新, 面向未来的可持续和全面解决方案. 她是OneWater方法的倡导者, 地球上没有新的水, 社区不能浪费这种宝贵的资源.

Susan and the team of technologists she leads are committed to providing clients world-leading 技术 and environmental expertise to address complex challenges across drinking water, 废水, 海水淡化, 利用亚洲体育博彩平台的OneWater水管理方法来解决运输和防洪方面的挑战.

被全球水务智能(GWI)评为水务行业40大影响力人物之一, 在潮湿的天气里,苏珊也是交通工具解决方案的首选人选. She works tirelessly to 分享 her expertise as a mentor within 亚洲体育博彩平台 as well as by giving back to the water industry.

“单一水的方法让我们的团队将所有的水视为一种资源, 而不是雨水, 废水, drinking water or water for industry but as one water; we really start to innovate when we engage with digital, 健康或环境小组. From the largest water supply project in California to overflow control in London to total water management in Singapore, 用一种水的心态, 我们的团队致力于保护和给予社区, 产业和地区获得繁荣发展所需的资源.”



副总统 & 全球水市场总监,亚洲体育博彩平台

苏珊是一名技术研究员,也是水环境联合会(WEF) 30多年的成员。, 世界经济论坛收集系统研讨会前任主席, Technical Practices Committee and the recipient of the WEF and Ohio Water 环境 Association’s Golden Manhole Awards for service – a testament to her background and expertise in the field.

Susan has gained significant industry experience serving as the Conveyance Senior Technical Consultant for the 迈阿密-戴德县供水和下水道部门海洋排放立法计划 - a $5.70亿年, 11-year program to eliminate all 废水 discharge to the Atlantic Ocean by 2025; Baton Rouge’s $2 billion Wet Weather Program, Las Virgenes纯水项目和北肯塔基州1亿美元的SSO隧道.

在国际上,苏珊的工作是公认的 泰晤士河潮汐隧道计划 在英国伦敦.K. – an iconic program that will reduce overflow into the Thames River; as well as her involvement in VCS’s integrated CSO model which includes Odense, 丹麦的收集系统, 组合和风暴, 河流及污水处理厂.


刚从大学毕业, 她接受了辛辛那提都市下水道区的工作, as an engineer in the 废水 collection division – the division responsible for collecting all the 废水 for 3,在辛辛那提市区修建了1000英里的下水道.

苏珊在辛辛那提的废水收集部门工作了16年, 她在水力建模方面获得了宝贵的知识和实践经验, 学生的研究, 康复项目, 紧急 response and combined sewer overflows and sanitary sewer overflows operation and management that prepared her for a career move to the consulting industry.

关于迈阿密的海洋排放立法计划, 苏珊了解了气候变化的影响, developing a one water approach to solving problems which she brings to the Las Virgenes Pure Water Program. The Pure Water Program develops a full water cycle approach to water supply and improving water quality.

苏珊是一个终身学习者, 永远不要害怕尝试新事物,总是愿意走出她的舒适区. 她谦逊、亲切、善良,以身作则. She recognizes that she can learn from people at every level of the organization and works to give her team the opportunity to shine. 苏珊对工作、对行业的热情,以及对员工的奉献精神,使她成为了雅各布斯的第一名. 1 .多个第三方机构的行业排名. 在苏珊的领导下,雅各布斯被任命为第. 在过去的五年里,我是一家非开挖工程公司的老板, 她带领团队专注于该领域的许多创新.

Her commitment to making the world a better place by protecting the environment is the underlying driver for her dedication to this industry and what inspires her innovation in her work and leading her team to develop the solutions for tomorrow.

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